Run next-app (commend)
PS C:\Users\adaka\OneDrive\Desktop\next-firxtapp> cd first-next-app PS C:\Users\adaka\OneDrive\Desktop\next-firxtapp\first-next-app> npm run dev > first-next-app@0.1.0 dev > next dev - ready started server on [::]:3000, url: http://localhost:3000 - event compiled client and server successfully in 214 ms (18 modules) - wait compiling... - event compiled client and server successfully in 240 ms (18 modules) - wait compiling / (client and server)... 🌼 daisyUI 3.7.6 ╰╮ ╰─ ✔︎ [ 2 ] themes are enabled. You can add more themes or make your own theme: ❤︎ Support daisyUI: - event compiled client and server successfully in 2.2s (217 modules) - wait compiling... - event compiled client and server successfully in 520 ms (217 modules)